Recent content by Iansky

  1. I

    Autumn Classic event - Castle Combe

    I attended the last Castle Combe event for 2018 - Autumn Classic. It was very wet but despite that, well attended and the cars were superb and a real mix of eras and models offering some good photo opportunities. I managed to capture some photos I am happy with and the D500+300mm performed...
  2. I

    Vintage Sports Car Club

    I attended the Vintage Sports Car Club meet on Sat at Prescott near Cheltenham, UK. It was good weather and a well attended event with lots of cars from vintage eras all aiming to get the best track times on the circuit - some made it, some didn't. These are some of the images from the day.
  3. I

    Lacock at War

    My wife was working at the event held at Lacock village in Wiltshire, it is held on an annual basis and is very well attended and there were some superb vehicles and re-enactors willing to share their knowledge with all interested parties. I had the DF+24-120mm with me that was the perfect...
  4. I

    Thruxton British Motorcycle Championships

    I have not been on here for a while due to the problems I had trying to create and load posts with photos even though I had no issues with other sites, thought I would try again and hope that previous issues I and others have experienced have been resolved - fingers crossed as I still consider...
  5. I

    Royal International Air Tattoo - 2018

    Thanks MorkC68, here you go - The shots below were taken on Departure Day
  6. I

    Royal International Air Tattoo - 2018

    It has been a while since I have visited this site due to the frustration trying to post images (same size as posted to other sites without issue) and the slowness of the site so thought it was time to try again. Last weekend we had the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) just 8 miles from...
  7. I

    Posting images to gallery / forum posts - so slow

    I have recently started to experience problems trying to load images (about 1.2mb Jpegs per image) to my galleries and also directly to posts - it is so painfully slow that sometimes the server times out and I end up giving up in frustration - this is during the day when there is not heavy...
  8. I

    Cotswolds at war - steam power

    We were at Toddington railway station all last weekend as my wife was working at the Cotswold at War re-enactment event. We arrived Fri afternoon to set up and the main events for spectators was Sat and Sun. I covered a rainy Sat with the Nikon DF and despite the intermittent rain the Df...
  9. I

    Spring flowers

    I was out yesterday with the DF and grabbed some photos of the Spring Flowers appearing as the weather changes and we have more sunshine albeit mixed with rain. The 24-120 is a superb general purpose lens that I use on the DF 95% of the time and it is a fantastic combination that offers very...
  10. I

    The dating game

    Out today with the D500+300mm and wanted to see if there were any butteflies about as I always find them a challenge as they suddenly fly off and are very unpredictable. Just when I was about to give up as I had not seen any, I came across these two that were trying to get to know each other so...
  11. I

    Howards Day car racing

    On Mon this week there was the first official full race day at the Castle Combe circuit, it was a wet, grey and overcast day so there were some good photo opportunities. This is a superb small circuit that is 40min away from home so easy to get to and with sensible admission prices as well as...
  12. I

    Great Western Sprint 2

    These are some more images taken at the Great Western Sprint event, images in the paddock and some more circuit shots this time using the DF.
  13. I

    Great Western Sprint

    First event at Castle Combe circuit for 2018 - establishing lap times and checking performance of cars - damp start but dried out later.
  14. I

    Snow Sunday

    Woke up this morning to everything covered in snow so I decided to go for a walk in the park then head over to the local allotment for some images there. I was cold and refreshing so I was enjoying the walk and the few photo opportunities offered. The DF with 24-120 was the order of the day...
  15. I

    Godox AD200

    I received my Godox AD200 flash system last week and yesterday tried it for the first time, I got it with the XPro-N controller as well as some other attachments to make it a very small portable package. I am very happy with the unit and put the bare bulb flash head on with a dish diffuser and...