Search results

  1. J

    Panamoz Stop Selling Nikon

    Dark days indeed. Panamoz have joined HDEW in halting sales of Nikon products. Maybe others may follow suit in the future? :dispirited:
  2. J

    D7200 vs D850 (in DX crop) Bean Test

    Another Baked Bean test (if you're wondering it follows the Nikon 500mm f4 vs the Sigma 150-600mm Sport one i did ages ago). This time a question which has long had me wondering whats the D850 in DX mode with a heavy crop like against a D7200? Totally unscientific, hand held, same settings with...
  3. J

    Nikon 500mm f/4 vs Sigma 150-600mm Sport

    Thought i'd conduct this totally unscientific test of the Nikon 500mm f/4 vs the Sigma 150-600mm Sport (at 500mm). Taken at a distance of 42 feet with the same camera, simply changing the lens. Shot at f8, 1/1600th handheld. Both uncropped and cropped images have only had the highlights reduced...
  4. J

    The D850 Is On Tour!

  5. J

    Almost makes you want to defect...almost

    I'll let the article explain Jeff Cable's Blog: A VERY RARE look inside Canon's operations at the 2016 Olympic Games - Look at all this gear!!!
  6. J

    Post Your Long Exposure Images

    I can find a low light long exposure thread, but not one for daylight or lit long exposure images 'Ghosts In The Gallery'
  7. J

    iPhone 7 Anyone??
  8. J

    Brexit and the Grey Market

    Just had a look at the effect that the pro Brexit vote has had on Grey Market prices. As the £ has slumped its significantly pushed up prices overnight, so i'll be holding off any purchases for a while...
  9. J

    Gremlins In The Works

    Right, i'm getting the above image appearing on my screen if i click Thanks/Like'. It doesn't seem to register my vote, i.e, 'Thanks/Like' doesn't change to 'Unthank/Unlike' as it should. If i click off the page and return, it shows that i have registered my 'thanks'. Its not the end of the...
  10. J

    D810(800) in DX versus D7200(D7100)

    As the title says. Any real world shooters, especially the small bird ones compared shots for detail? On paper the D7200(or D7100) at 24mp should beat the D810 (or D800)DX mode at around 15mp in cropping, but i can't find conclusive evidence of this.
  11. J

    Your Hall Of Fame

    So, whats in your personal Hall Of Fame of cameras and/or lenses etc that you no longer own, but still hold in the highest regard? I'll kick off with my top 3; Sigma 50-500mm Nikon D700 Nikon D300S
  12. J

    Post Your Fossil

    No, not your significant other, your mother in law, or the 'cat woman' down the street. Nor, your old Nokia 3210, or your 1992 Ford Escort. I mean something over a few million years old.... ..........infact, screw the whole thing, post what you want!;) Heres a couple of my Ammonites
  13. J

    The D810, Fast Action Handling?

    As the title says. I can Google this title to death, but i'd rather have real world users give their opinions. Now, I love the D800, its a fantastic piece of work, but i found it a bit wanting in the fast action arena. I know it has some of the stuff like Expeed 4 from the D4S, but, before i do...
  14. J

    Bridesmaids on Break

    Bridesmaids on break
  15. J

    I Never Did Introduce Myself!

    As the title says.....can i still do this now?? Better late then never. Ah, well, here's a bit about me (i'll just cut and paste my bio)... ...After falling out of the KitKat Club at 3am one too many times, and becoming the Pants Off Dance Championship runner up 2009, became a downtrodden and...