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  1. P

    Red-Orange Gerbera Daisy

    May was a very good month at the local flower and garden stores. Most had beautiful perennial and annual blooms, and the varieties were great. While the local shops have quite a bit, I was greatly surprised at Lowe's and Home Depot. I was at Lowe's on another errand, but I took my camera with...
  2. P

    Added The D610 To My Stable

    I've owned both the D500 and D750 for over 3.5 years. The D750 has been my "go to" DSLR, with the D500 getting very little usage. I sold the D500 last week (only 435 clicks), along with the 4 DX lenses I had. They were kit lenses and a couple of Tokina wide angle zooms. Nikon has advertised...
  3. P

    Dahlia At The Local Kroger

    Last week, while shopping at the local Kroger, their supplier dropped off a load of plants and flowers. Before they were put on the shelves and shaded, I grabbed my D750 and a Sigma AF 185mm f/3.5 macro. The light was completely overcast, and the wind was very stiff. However, this one dahlia...
  4. P

    Dust Off The "F's" and "N's" Folks, Ektachrome Professional Is Coming (Again)

    Dust Off The "F's" and "N's" Folks, Ektachrome Professional Is Coming (Again) At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Kokak and Kocak Alaris announced the re-introduction of Ektachrome Professional 100 in both 35mm and Super 8 formats. Kodak Brings Back a Classic with EKTACHROME Film |...
  5. P

    Patterns in Bark - Dead Tree - Detroit, MI

    Outside of downtown Detroit, which is being rebuilt and being touted as a renaissance, still lies the decay of houses, streets, and trees. The tree is long dead, and what remains are some interesting patterns of branches and tree bark. The colors were very drab-to-nonexistent. Converted to...
  6. P

    New To Nikonites

    Hello, the forum! I've been in photography in several forms, since 1964. I learned on an old 4x5 Speed Graphic and an old Weston light meter. From there I migrated to 35mm with an old Argus C3 "brick"; not exactly a Leica, but it got me intro'ed on a low budget. During my time in the Navy, I...