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    post processing confusion.

    I was mostly thinking of exporting to have a large print made when I asked about using a raw format. Yes, I do complete a dialogue box. I will try the insert image.
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    post processing confusion.

    I went back to lightroom classic. As much as I do not like paying for the subscription, I need a program that I am familiar with for a while until I can learn a new one. For some reason my edits are being exported without any exif data and as jpegs of varying sizes. some are a few hundred kb...
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    Now on a Mac... LR, ON1, or something else?

    I have used photoshop and lightroom on my windows computer for quite some time. I recently purchased a new computer and went with a Mac this time. I would not have a problem using the same software again, except that now you can only get LR as a subscription. I like Lr very much, but balk at...
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    WiFi Bluetooth connection to computer for Coolpix B500

    Hello, I bought my GF this camera for Christmas so that she could take and upload product shots for her side business. The salesman assured us that it would connect to the laptop that she purchased at the same time (Win10). Now while trying to accomplish that, I am only seeing how to connect to...
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    Post your macro photos here

    I cranked the color on this one, but I like how it turned out. It was a very bright sunny day when I took this one. How do I make sure to get the EXIF data in there?
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    Post your macro photos here

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    Strange, but cool rendering in lightroom... please help..

    While attempting to edit some shots in light room, I was presented with what you see below. How did it happen and how can I save that rendering? The only thing I did was to click on develop. It is a pretty cool image though. I would love to have a copy just like it.
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    New and lost

    Hello, I have just received an assignment for work. I need to make a 2 to 3 minute video that displays our sequence of operation during plant production. I have a brand new spiffy D850 to do it with. What I dont have is any idea how to get this done. I've never shot a video before, much less...
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    Nikon D850 for $2600 - NEW

    Well of course when I called on it I found out that it is a grey market camera. The question becomes "Is it worth the $700 or so savings to have no warranty?" I've never bought grey market before, but this is tempting. Thoughts?
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    Buying a used lens (24-70mm 2.8)

    Hello all. What should I be certain to look for when inspecting this item? I was all set to buy a used d810 and new Tamron 24-70mm 2.8, but it all fell apart. I was looking at the Tamron because reviews had said that it was just as sharp as the Nikon but at half the price.. While looking...
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    Wish I could meld the top half of one with the bottom half of the other!
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    Post your macro photos here

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    submission for help and critique

    Here is one where I used flash but almost everything else was the same. Everything is clear no matter how close I crop..
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    submission for help and critique

    If I am not doing this correctly please advise of correct method. I just went out and tried some shots in the back yard and now have some questions. D7000 manual mode. 200mm f4 lens. early evening light. f16-f22. 200-250 shutter speed. 1. what is the correct format to include a photo so that...
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    Best lighting option for macro?

    I need to get some lighting handled. Would R1C1, ring lighting, or something else be better?
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    Extreme Macro setup 200mm f/4 + 50mm f/1.4

    Hello, Recently I have gotten interested in the idea of extreme macro. Close up photos of a bug's face or the center of a flower are good examples. There are plenty of cool samples online. I read that you could take a macro lens and a prime lens, connect them together via a step down ring and...
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    Best printing options?

    Hello everyone! It has been quite a while since I have logged on.. life has gotten in the way of fun for too long. I am seeking to print large prints of some of my better shots, but have some questions. My normal process is to take the photos in raw, edit them in lightroom, and save as .jpeg for...
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    Advice on Macro Lens for my D7000

    Hello all, I know it has been a while, but i am finally getting back around to my photography itch. Spring and summer are super busy in my industry and other projects have eaten up the dollars that i wanted to spend on lenses earlier. Time and money have not been on my side. First, thank you...
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    Thank you and more please!

    Some time ago I posted that I was having a hard time deciding between a D7000 and D800 to replace my D70. The response was not only universal, but rock solid and right on point. Thank you to all who shared your experience. The advice given was to get the D7000 and spend the savings on some nice...