Latest update to Lightroom


Senior Member
I updated Lightroom today, and discovered a new feature in masks. Don't know how long this has been out, but there is now an object option for masks. You highlight the rough area of the object you want to select and it refines it to nice sharp edges. I have only used it twice, but got good results both times.

Here is a picture of a Downy woodpecker I shot this afternoon. The background was too light, and the subject mask was including parts of the suet basket, which made it difficult to deal with sections of background visible through the basket. I selected object mask and highlighted the bird, let it delineate the bird as an object, then inverted the mask. This made quick work of darkening the background, and tweaking the color.

Not a great photo, but just to give you an idea of what the new feature can do.

This is before using the mask.


And this is after.


For those of you using Lightroom, you might want to check this out, if you haven't already.


Senior Member
Yeah, the new tools are time savers, and they work pretty well. The addition of a content aware brush is really nice.