Where to find EXIF on Mac pics


Staff member
Super Mod
Recently I switched to using a Mac. When I right click to view the EXIF, it doesn't list specifics such as aperture, shutter, ISO, or even copyright. Is there something I can download to my Mac which will allow me to read those things? I am also checking to see if Facebook still attaches the copyright to images that are uploaded to their site, but unfortunately Mac's 'Get Info' option doesn't list it.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Well, let's see...

There's Preview and the Menu - Tools/Inspector shows some data
Then there's an app called Raw RightAway that shows what you want simply by selecting a NEF file and tapping the space bar

And there's "EXIF Viewer" as a Browser Extension...


Senior Member
As Fred said, I used to use Raw RightAway to display Exif on my old Intel Mac. But now I use new Apple chip (M2) Mac and somehow RRA won't let me update and it stops showing Exif. So I turn to Preview and it has an "i" tab for comprehensive info including quite complete Exif data. Just my 2c.


Staff member
Super Mod
Well, let's see...

There's Preview and the Menu - Tools/Inspector shows some data
Then there's an app called Raw RightAway that shows what you want simply by selecting a NEF file and tapping the space bar

And there's "EXIF Viewer" as a Browser Extension...

Ahh ... I hadn't delved into the info tab to look for EXIF there. I'm so used to right clicking on a PC that I didn't realize info was hidden. I will consider Raw RightAway, too. When I searched online, I must not have used good search terms because nothing came up for the 'I' tab. Thanks. I was looking at images I took so they aren't uploaded online to use a browser extension.

As Fred said, I used to use Raw RightAway to display Exif on my old Intel Mac. But now I use new Apple chip (M2) Mac and somehow RRA won't let me update and it stops showing Exif. So I turn to Preview and it has an "i" tab for comprehensive info including quite complete Exif data. Just my 2c.

Thanks. I don't have the M2 chip so I am going to consider Raw RightAway.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Cindy... You can open images/files on your computer with your browser... File/Open File in the menu upper left... and if you have the NEF Codex installed, it'll open Nikon files in your browser