Recent content by fotofanish

  1. F

    Automatic Exposure Bracketing on the D3100?

    After viewing a few tutorials on HDR processing (or should that be tone-mapping?), I thought my 3100 might be natively configured to take an automatic bracket of three shots with different exposures, but it turns out that this can only be done manually. However, it seems that this capability, or...
  2. F

    Camera RAW in Photoshop CS6: - How about this for a RAW processor?

    I've just started taking RAW pics with my new D3100. Now, I'm trying to decide the best software for RAW processing. Lightroom seems to be popular, but if I take it on, I've got a heckuvva lot of learning to do. (Old dog and all that) So, why shouldn't I use Camera Raw (9.1.1) in Photoshop...
  3. F

    D3100 Focus problems - Fixed!

    I'm posting this solution because I'm aware from my hundreds of Google searches that are many other straw-clutching D3100 users out there with focus issues. Background: I bought this camera early 2014. The price had been reduced fairly drastically and I've since read it was about that time...
  4. F

    Picture Control - does it affect RAW? (and vice versa)

    Still getting to grips with the D3100 settings. I've set Image Quality to RAW. Picture Control is at Neutral, mainly because I set it there when I first began configuring the Menus, and a Gary Fong video seemed to indicate that this was a good idea. However, after I'd learned a little more...
  5. F

    RAW and Auto-ISO sensitivity

    Hi all. Just bought a D3100, having only had point-and-shoots before, and would like to get to grips with RAW processing. Two questions: 1) After much head-scratching I finally got the Menus configured. But I see, after having earlier set the Auto ISO sensitivity to OFF, that after I selected...