Recent content by jdeg

  1. J

    New Forum

    Awesome! Got it changed over.
  2. J

    New Forum

    Yes, I just need to find the files. I had them on a drive that failed, then files on the old server were deleted, and the backup drive failed. Fun!
  3. J

    New Forum

    This is correct. From what I can tell, they don't respond. Their email system is pretty much on broken autopilot. I'm not sure why they would immediately block this server since it is new. Unless the IP previously had a server with spam coming from it, but I've had this IP in my possession for...
  4. J

    New Forum

    I adjusted some email settings a couple days ago that will prevent email providers from marking emails as spam. I'm seeing in the server logs that emails are being sent, but it does look like is blocking email from the server from being delivered. Unfortunately there is not much I can...
  5. J

    New Forum

    I'll have to see if a similar addon is available
  6. J

    New Forum

    This should work for you now.
  7. J

    New Forum

    Just fixed all of the old user mentions/tags, and some banners below usernames in posts
  8. J

    New Forum

    Glad you like it! This software is a lot more up to date. The EXIF feature would have to be custom made, unfortunately. Added! For a site that just changed all of its content, yes Fixed!
  9. J

    Thanks John (jdeg)!!!

    You're welcome, everyone! I'm just glad I was able to salvage most of the old data!
  10. J


    I'll adjust this accordingly. Most settings are on the default at the moment.
  11. J


    This is probably my fault. I had to move some things around so they would work better, to put it simply. Everything under Media should work correctly now, apart from configuring it a bit more.
  12. J

    New Forum

    you can also edit from the forum list (edit link to the left of the Replies and Views count)
  13. J

    New Forum

    Old likes should now be imported, and old URLs will redirect.
  14. J

    New Forum

    No, I meant it is in the Media section. It won't be over the image like it was previously. That would require custom work.
  15. J

    New Forum

    So far, this will only work in the new media gallery. On the old site, this was a custom addition. It's in the correct forum, it's just pushed down because there are a bunch of old stuck threads.