Recent content by Sempusa

  1. S

    ViewNX-i Will not open on W10 after update?

    I've been using ViewNX for years on my laptop and within the last month or so Windows did some update that stops it from opening. I get the error a VCRUNTIME error which I looked up and did all kinds of troubleshooting as suggested but can't get ViewNXi to open no matter what I do. I have...
  2. S

    ViewNX-i or Capture NX-D how to get back to original

    I croped and printed an image but now I would like to get back to the full size original. I am once again confounded by Nikon's software and have no idea how to make this happen. I searched this forum and searched the help file but can't seem to use the perfectly correct Nikon terms to locate...
  3. S

    Nikkor AF-S 300mm f/4D IF-ED

    @hark, Yes, that's the one and thanks for the feedback. Again, I would not say it is 'squealing' ..more like it clicks as it AFs from spot to spot - more noticeable than my other lenses. Might be just fine, I'm used to a 55-200mm, and like you mentioned this one is a lot heavier, so maybe, just...
  4. S

    View NX-i Failed to Load Images

    Will this silly software ever work easily. This error pops up over the years of trying to use this most frustrating SW. It will be working fine and then in the middle of viewing a folder of images it start giving this message. I'm using Windows 10 with the latest updates and NX-i version 1.33...
  5. S

    NX2 opens NEF file as solid black, View NX says it's unsupported!!

    @aroy,pforsell and all others who helped with the issue with ViewNX, ViewNX-i, Capture NX,etc.Thanks so much for all the suggestions. One thing I did find is that ViewNX-i will reject any image NEF or Jpeg once I opened Window's Photos. The two programs don't play well together on my Windows 10...
  6. S

    NX2 opens NEF file as solid black, View NX says it's unsupported!!

    @aroy, Yes, I have several external USB disks with back up and have them on another computer also. Somehow the files must be corrupted but the backups don't work either. It may have happened at the camera level, who knows. Nikon support, as expected, never got back with any answer at all. They...
  7. S

    NX2 opens NEF file as solid black, View NX says it's unsupported!!

    @aroy, Yes, I've tried NX-D, and it works like ViewNX-i - They Both do NOT open the NEFs from certain years worth of files. I have also tried with Capture NX and ViewNX-2. The whole point of using Nikon and their NEF format is completely lost and there is little I can think of to do with...
  8. S

    NX2 opens NEF file as solid black, View NX says it's unsupported!!

    @Marilynne - No, I didn't know there was another viewer, thanks for the heads up. I'm downloading it now, but I think it's a problem with the files for some reason and not the ViewNX software because other folders/files work fine. Just wish I could fine a way to fix the files. Will let you know...
  9. S

    NX2 opens NEF file as solid black, View NX says it's unsupported!!

    I was working for the past few days with ViewNX vers. 2.10.3 64bit doing basic edits on NEF+JPEG files and it stopped working on a new folder of images. It says 'unsupported file type' every time I try to do an edit to these NEF+JPEG files - shot with a Nikon D7100 and transferred over to my...
  10. S

    NX-D How to save corrected image

    Nikon can not make anything easy and I'll never understand why. I was told by their support to go to NX-D when NX would no longer save an image in Windows 10. I didn't think I would need to plow through their manuals endless features just to do a simple save on a correct image but even search...
  11. S

    Indoor Dog Agility Shots

    Moab Man Thanks, I will give your tips a try. They sound easy and just what I was looking for without going into a treasure hunt for some hidden setting that may be off. I had some pretty good success with the "S" setting over the years but only outside with plenty of sunshine. I also like your...
  12. S

    Indoor Dog Agility Shots

    I am trying very unsuccessfully to take shots inside a well lit dog arena with my D7100 and would like some suggestions on settings. I do not want to use a flash so the dogs will not be scared by the camera. My exposures haven't been too bad but any movement by dog or trainer is nothing but a...