News... God is good.


Senior Member
I am sharing to glorify GOD. This is all about Him. I am weak and he is strong.

Well, I have been having trouble swallowing for a few weeks. Two weeks ago, I had an endoscopy and CT scan with contrast. The reason for the CT scan was that they found a cancerous tumor and have found it inoperable for now. It is in my breastbone and lymph nodes.
This news did not surprise me. My Heavenly Father prepared me with a peace I cannot describe. Peter and James, both Sami, take joy in our trials, and I understand now. The Holy Spirit has filled my heart with joy and peace. This is beyond anything I could do.
I am in quite a bit of pain about this, but I know that I am healed with this joy. The only question is whether it will be on this side of the Jordan or the other. I pray for this side of the Jordan. I pray this pain might be taken away, but God’s grace is sufficient. To live is Jesus, and to die is gain.
I hope that this situation might set your eyes on Christ. We do not have to face anything alone. I trust Him, and so can you. This passage comes to mind
Matthew 11:28-30 (LSB Strong's)
28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”
My prayers are for those who struggle to believe in or trust in Jesus. My hope is that you might find the joy that He has blessed me with. He is faithful.


Staff member
Super Mod
Praying for relief and healing, Danno. And may you continue to experience peace from within knowing you are not alone.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Danno, you are one of the first people I got to know on this forum. I don't know if you will be going through chemo, but prayers for strength for you and your family and for the best possible outcome.


New member
I am sharing to glorify GOD. This is all about Him. I am weak and he is strong.

Well, I have been having trouble swallowing for a few weeks. Two weeks ago, I had an endoscopy and CT scan with contrast. The reason for the CT scan was that they found a cancerous tumor and have found it inoperable for now. It is in my breastbone and lymph nodes.
This news did not surprise me. My Heavenly Father prepared me with a peace I cannot describe. Peter and James, both Sami, take joy in our trials, and I understand now. The Holy Spirit has filled my heart with joy and peace. This is beyond anything I could do.
I am in quite a bit of pain about this, but I know that I am healed with this joy. The only question is whether it will be on this side of the Jordan or the other. I pray for this side of the Jordan. I pray this pain might be taken away, but God’s grace is sufficient. To live is Jesus, and to die is gain.
I hope that this situation might set your eyes on Christ. We do not have to face anything alone. I trust Him, and so can you. This passage comes to mind
Matthew 11:28-30 (LSB Strong's)
28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”
My prayers are for those who struggle to believe in or trust in Jesus. My hope is that you might find the joy that He has blessed me with. He is faithful.
Prayers buddy. God's will.