Help me, I'm bleeding!!


Happily retired
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Well I am waiting to test it ...I tested the 24 mp 3200 against the 7000 and the 7000 was slightly better ...Hogan is talking about the lens now being the limiting factor you say use a prime but not for my work ..I need a 18-200 or better 300 Zoom and it seems that big zoom glass is not good enough to get the best from a 7100....
Still when I get my hands on one I will do a test with my trusty chart .my othere choice is a D800 and new glass but that is going to cost $5000 x2 so up the creek goes the profits and its only a 24-200 zoom so a backwards step ..crop and back to square one ....
Only time will tell ...Test dont Guess

2 7100. One with 17-55 2.8, other with 70-200 2.8 and keep one D700 as backup with 10-20 wide-angle. Less expensive, better quality because of better lenses. Mind you the 18-200 is OK, but once you will have worked with the 17-55 and 70-200, you will NEVER look back.

Of course this is only my personal opinion and in no way reflects Nikonites forum.
Sorry Marcell wedding photos is not your for me one for the wife and the 3200 as spare and with a 10-20mm on it ..the wider the lens the more pixels you need ....
16-24 is only a 50 % increase and you need 400 % to double the resoultion ( 6mp to24 or 16 to 48)
Body + lens = photo quality.

lets wait for the test at UK focus on 3 rd march.


The Dude
One of the things I didn't like about the 7000 was it's chronic tendency to overexposure. Especially for portraits, skin tones come out too harsh when the exposure is hot. Most wedding/portrait photographers come in about a stop cold and then bump it up in processing, so you'd have to come -2 with the 7000. I wonder if the 7100 has fixed this tendency?


Happily retired
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Super Mod
Sorry Marcell wedding photos is not your for me one for the wife and the 3200 as spare and with a 10-20mm on it ..the wider the lens the more pixels you need ....
16-24 is only a 50 % increase and you need 400 % to double the resoultion ( 6mp to24 or 16 to 48)
Body + lens = photo quality.

lets wait for the test at UK focus on 3 rd march.

Ah don't be sorry Steve, I was only trying to convey that you might get more quality with better lenses than with another body. But, hey, I respect your choice of working conditions.

For your info, I've done weddings, more than enough I could even say. But, it was the old times with the Hasselblad and 3 lenses and there were no second shooter then. Yes, some shots were missed while I was changing film rolls (like the time the stairway collapsed while I was preparing for the group shot outside the church). But With 120 film and Zeiss lenses, the pictures were of good quality.


Senior Member
Bleeding edge, that is.

Did some pondering and cyphering today (just wish it was by a cement pond). There's lots of time for it when you're in a 40 mile funeral procession. With almost $100 in B&H dollars in my account I decided to pull the trigger on a D7100 pre-order. Went back and forth with the Mrs. (I love her to death) on the "What I Want" vs. "What I Need" stuff, and the specs on the new DX camera match the needs almost to a tee, and at less than half the price of the wants of a D800 it just makes plain sense to give this one a go.

I debated on waiting for the first round of these to shake out, but if the timelines of the last 3 releases are anything to measure things by it's going to be 6 months until any real bugs are shaken out, and the truth is that I have some things I want this new second camera for by May, so buying the first batch or in April will likely not make a difference - I'll just cross my fingers and pray there's nothing I need to send it back to Nikon for in the first couple months. The savings over a D800 leaves some $$ in my pocket as well to play with the idea of a nice telephoto as well. That's something I can wait on, and given that my 12 year old Nissan sounds ready to give up the ghost any day now I suspect something with wheels will come first.

So, you have your first official tester registered. I'll just call this my golden easter egg. LOL

I just pre-ordered one myself from B@H I love the specs on this body.


Senior Member
You guys are making me sick!!!! :)

You know I am kidding, I am happy for you both and look forward to seeing your (new) work soon! Begginer that I am, not ready for that Technology till I have mastered my 5100... (and I am working on that!!)
