Updating the firmware on the Yonquo 685 and 622n-TX


New member
I bricked my YN685N flash yesterday by updating to the latest 1.3.8 firmware. I was using windows 10 on my comp. Then after fiddling a lot with other combinations tried older firmwares. Couldn't find any anywhere. Then while searching online, I found a reply which advised to update firmware from a windows 7 pc. Did that today and now firmware updated successfully. Thanks to that contributor.(Couldn't find that thread anywhere today) Posting this here so it can help someone else.


New member
I was on the same boat for upgrade process and was not being successful at all with it. I tried both windows and Mac with no result. On MAC I decided to open the file in textedit and at the end just put a space (no reason I guess I was mad) saved it and tried on more time. This time it worked. That gave me confident and tried another YN685N flash and broke that one. To fix that one I opened the file and saved without modifying the content. Bang that worked. So I guess opening and saving file seems to work. I saw many folks are frustrated with this process so I thought I will share with you all. Try opening the file and saving it. Keep in mind I performed this activity on Mac. Now both my flash are at 1.40

Just now I found another YN685N. Which I update by modifying and saving the file on Mac with textedit.
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