Baby Z9?


Senior Member
Well the rumor mill is active with a new camera possibly coming out later this year. The name hasn't been officially announced, but word on the street is it will be called the Z90. It is rumored to be a half frame sensor, but coming in with a 33MP resolution. It will supposed sport a 15 fps speed with dual card slots for XQD and SD respectively. It is supposed to be an ungraded, mirrorless version of the D500. I might be interested in this camera to take advantage of the crop factor for telephoto shooting, depending on the price.

If this isn't the correct spot for this thread, please move it.




Staff member
Super Mod
Interesting video - thanks for posting! And yes, Nikon really does need a mirrorless version of the D500. Whether this camera comes to fruition remains to be seen.


Senior Member
Yes, the rumors of the Z8 have been going around for a while, and it's still no show, although it's out of my price range.

I would love to know what kind of price this is going to be sold for. They compare it to the Canon EOS R7 which has an MSRP of $1399. If the Z90 comes out with the rumored specs and around that price, I might be interested. It would effectively give me a 1.5 teleconverter with no image quality loss or F-stop reduction. Not sure how the autofocus for wildlife would compare with the Z5 I have now. My assumption would be that it's an upgrade, and the increase in fps would be nice as well. It would be interesting as well to see how the 33 MP crop frame sensor performs in comparison to my 24MP full frame. I would guess slightly better resolution and slightly worse low light performance.

It would be nice to turn my 200-500 F5.6 into a 350-750 F5.6. This lens plays nicely using the FTZ adapter, and has very good resolution. AF is a little slower than I'd like, but the alternative is a very expensive native Z mount. It would also extend my 24-70 out to 105, although that is a much less useful combo. When I'm out with my 24-70 mounted, I go wide angle as often as I do short tele. I would be better served to get a longer zoom. A 70-200 would be the ticket, although right now I would pretty much have to go expensive, a super zoom like the 24-200 or an affordable F mount. Right now I think I'm better off spending my time on getting better with what I currently have.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I'd be interested too... simply to extend the 200-500... I have a 1.7 extender, but even wide-open on a good day, the autofocus gets hinkey because you're at f9.5...


Senior Member
Yes, I've even thought about a decent crop frame DSLR. I currently own a D3400, but have a tough time going back to the optical viewfinder and only 11 AF points and lack of IBIS. I can live with the limitations of a 24MP sensor. It isn't that big a difference from my full frame IMO. I've considered a D500, but at $1600 new for an abandoned format, I'm having a hard time buying it. So to speak.

If this hits the market, I can see it being popular among the budget conscious wildlife photographers. It would also give me a backup camera I might actually want to use. Then the issue would be whether the Z90 or the Z5 would end up as the backup camera.

I suppose it would be a case of choosing one camera for one type of shooting, and the other for different types of shooting. Then I would have to compartmentalize controls. I suppose I could sweeten the deal a little by selling the D3400 and lenses. I rarely use it now, and would likely never use it if I purchased a Z90. The D3400 kit


Senior Member
For months and months, every time I pulled up to a stoplight, I kept reaching out with my left foot after getting a car with an automatic transmission. The senior in Senior Member is accurate for me.


Senior Member
As always, I'll believe when I see it. Hope springs eternal, though. :)

That camera with the 200-600 that is supposed to be coming out would be just the ticket for me. Now, the question is how I would afford them. :)