Drive by shooting


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Super Mod
Not sure what was going on here. Snapped this while sitting at a red light before cars pulled up next to me.



Senior Member
I've never noticed this thread before. Quite interesting.

I was driving, but I did stop to take these pictures. The road was completely empty.




Senior Member
I wanted to give this one as example:


I had seen one bird of prey in the trees in a field at the other side of a big shopping mall. One time I went out for pictures I went to look for it and found 2 birds of prey sitting in the field next to a busy round-about. I parked my car, set up my 500mm and went on foot to the place where I saw the birds, not to find anything anymore. The next day I set up my 70-200 next to me in the car, when I saw one of the birds again I went to turn, waited for a free road and stopped the car on the road (blocking traffic, so had little time). Drive by shooting gave the best result, I still tried to follow the bird on a parking, in the fields, etc.. never got this quality of result.


Senior Member
Got an other one today, after shooting something else had the D7000, with 70-200mm next to me. But forgot I had been shooting EV +2 for a backlit situation, but could safe some:


Senior Member
So that's why traffic is backed up!

In 2009, I was stopped in traffic on a road in Yellowstone wondering what was causing the hold up. Then the cause wandered past my window.




Senior Member
Spotted this Redtail Hawk feeding on the carcass of a road kill Whitetail deer. Pulled in, it flew to this perch. I took a shot through the windshield.
redtail hawk 2 - 1000.jpg