Exposure chart needed


Senior Member
Guys, I googled and could not find an exposure chart in a printable format. It will be greatly helpful if someone posts the chart, which consists of Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO at least with their full stops in it. This will help me to memorize the stops.

Thank you.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Search for "Andy's Handy Exposure Calculator"

or there is this



Senior Member
Is this what you're looking for? It's a PDF chart that lists the 1-stop increments for aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.


If you have a smart phone, there are various apps for exposure or even to use your phone's camera as a light meter although I don't use them so can't recommend any personally.

There are links on there for each side of the exposure triangle as well! Learning about them helped me to get off of auto/program modes!



Senior Member
Go to phototraces.com and scroll down. You will find "cheat sheets" for ISO, f-stop, and shutter speed.
Andy Anderson


Staff member
Super Mod
Go to phototraces.com and scroll down. You will find "cheat sheets" for ISO, f-stop, and shutter speed.
Andy Anderson


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