River, Lake, Streams, Seas, & Oceans


Senior Member
Challenge Team
​It must be a lot fogger than your images shows, when i click on the image and make it larger i see people with red fog lights on. :)

New beach apparel or personal safety equipment. :rolleyes: Just the truck emptying the garbage cans. If i knew you were looking that close I would have gone in and desaturated them so they don't stand out.:)

Andy W

Senior Member
untitled shoot-9875.JPG


Senior Member
1870 Waco Suspension Bridge over the Brazos River
1870 Waco Suspension Bridge 001_sm.jpg

Russian Gulch near Mendocino, CA

Willapa River, South Bend, WA

Garibaldi Harbor, OR

Scot H

Senior Member
First photo I am posting as a new member. Still trying to learn to navigate the site but here goes. This is a shot I took of a dam on the Des Moines River in downtown Des Moines. The sky blew up on this evening providing some beautiful reflected light on the water. This is probably my favorite image that I have taken thus far.


Senior Member
Westport Harbor, WA
Nikon Coolpix B700, 5 shot panoramas

#1: 1/800, f/4.8, ISO 100, 17mm
#2: 1/1000, f/4.5, ISO 100, 14mm



Robin W

Senior Member
That is really pretty!
First photo I am posting as a new member. Still trying to learn to navigate the site but here goes. This is a shot I took of a dam on the Des Moines River in downtown Des Moines. The sky blew up on this evening providing some beautiful reflected light on the water. This is probably my favorite image that I have taken thus far.