What do you think of this shot? Including editing


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Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Well, by way of critique the first thing I noticed is the background, at the top of the frame specifically, is a huge distraction that weakens the shot for two reasons: 1. The top edge is, by far, the brightest part of the shot which competes strongly with your subject and, 2. There's a whooooole lot of "edge noise" being created by the buildings and trees right on top of the subject's head. When shooting portraits I like to keep the subject's head in a "clean space"; meaning without any distracting elements overlapping with, or crowding, the head/face of the subject. The shot also looks soft to me and I think it could stand some cropping.

I'm not saying it's a bad shot, I'm saying it could be improved upon.


Senior Member
Howdy, and welcome to Nikonites!!!

HF hit the nail on the head for me. One thing I'll add, it looks like the natural light must of been pretty bright at the time this was shot, as the subject looks to be squinting a little too, keeping any pleasing catching lights out of his eyes.

It takes a little more effort to pull this shot off if it was shot at mid-day as it appears, but exposing for (and composing for) the background to be slightly under exposed, and then adding some light to the subject to get him to stand out, could help give this some kick.


Senior Member
I will not reiterate any details about the background, that has already been covered. But all is not lost, this background can be relatively easily fixed with a little cropping and use of the "lens blur" tool in PS, though it will take working with some additional layers and channels to make it work.

It is just personal preference for me but in most portraiture I do both male and female, I like to vignette the corners and edges. Our eyes are drawn more to light areas than dark and it helps to focus more on the subject. It will also help to minimize bright backgrounds like this one. I also gave a little unsharp mask to raise the sharpness level just a bit.

What do you think?



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    fix background.jpg
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