Anyone use Yongnuo YN-568EX?


Senior Member the Flash menu on the camera greyed out? In some shooting modes it may be.

Thanks, Walt. In manual, which is really the only mode I use, the menus are not greyed out, so it ​seems​ like they should be active. If this is only a matter of settings, I'll be a happy girl! Thanks for brainstorming gives me hope.

Thanks very much,


Senior Member
Is there any type of firmware update for that flash? The D850 is a newer camera. Maybe check online to see if a firmware update would affect that camera.

Excellent suggestion, Cindy. I had not thought to look up updates. I've had the flash for about 5 years, so it's very possible there have been firmware updates. I would love to be able to use it on the D850, because its capabilities when used with flash far exceed my older Nikon.

Happily off to search for updates! Thanks so much,


Senior Member
In the past, Nikon seemed to go out of their way to ensure lens, flash units, and other accessories were compatible with their cameras. Unfortunately in recent years Nikon seems to go out of their way to reduce compatibility with any and all third-party accessories like lens, flash units and accessories, apparently to try to sell more Nikon brand accessories and make it as miserable as possible for users of third party gear. And, more recently, it appears that Nikon has decided to make newer Nikon Lens (AF P Lenses) less compatible with older Nikon cameras, apparently to try to force users to purchase newer Nikon Cameras. As a result, several years ago when AF P lens first came out, Nikon promised they would provide an update to give D7200 cameras full AF P compatibility. I am still waiting for this update for my D7200 and refuse to purchase AF P lenses until their promise is accomplished!

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Should work with the D850 since it has iTTL. Yognuo doesn't list the D850 specifically, but states any model with iTTL.
Check your flash mode isn't set to "off."
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Staff member
Super Mod
I'd think it would work since I don't recall Nikon changing anything on their end with the DSLR flash capabilities. But it looks like Yongnuo is releasing the iii version of this flash - no clue what the newer two versions offer or changed since the first version.

If you wind up having to buy a new flash, I'd suggest looking at Godox. Their flashes work with their line of ADxxx strobes (Godox AD200, AD300, etc).


Senior Member
Should work with the D850 since it has iTTL. Yognuo doesn't list the D850 specifically, but states any model with iTTL.
Check your flash mode isn't set to "off."

(Smacking forehead with palm) This is brilliant, Dawg! It usually is the simplest answer that works, isn't it? The "flash on" button is far less obvious on the D850 than my old D3300...and you are right, it was turned off. With the flash ability turned on, I can now get the 568EX to work on-camera. The 622 transmitter/receiver isn't working with the D850 (yet!), but now I have hope that I can get this solved. We're a step closer...

Thanks heaps and heaps!


Senior Member
Excellent suggestion, Cindy. I had not thought to look up updates.

In case anyone else has this issue, I did explore the updates and the most recent one is older than the release date for the D850, I believe. The PC connector cables have curious USB ports unlike any I've seen, so I was delayed in updating the firmware while hunting for adapters that would allow them to connect to my laptop.

Thanks to Dawg's suggestion to make sure "flash on" is engaged (it wasn't), it may be that the firmware update will be unnecessary, which would be terrific!



Senior Member
Final results are in--YES! The YN568EX and the 622N transmitter/receiver will indeed work with the D850! You just can't let them outsmart you like I did.

Thankful for all your good advice,