Burj Khalifa, World's Tallest Building


Senior Member
Took a trip to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Feedback welcomed!:D

small burg copy copy.jpg

Nikon D5100
1/1000 sec.
ISO 200
Focal Length 18mm
Auto WB
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Senior Member
Thank you! No CP was used on the lens and yes, it was HOT! I just had the taxi driver take me around to take pictures. He knew ALL the right spots! The lens used was the Tamron, 18-270 PZD. Nice little travel lens. :)


Senior Member
Very nice shot. The only thing I might poke at is that the building seems to be leaning just a touch to the left. I thought it could be an optical illusion due to the shape so I pulled a copy into Photoshop, turned the grid on, and rotated it a hair to the right, and voila, it looked "more right". Somewhere between .20-.25 degrees did the job. I've attached the changed image. The resulting crop required removed some of the lighter colored building on the bottom that also may have led to the visual effect of the building being askew. I know it drives me crazy when I shoot photos and neglect to get horizons horizontal or buildings and trees vertical, so maybe it's just a personal knit to pick. But I think it ultimately makes a big difference in how a photo is perceived.


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