Should I replace my tripod?


Senior Member
I have an older Bogen (pronounced Manfrotto) 3021 tripod. It has been a great tripod with a lot of great features. It still performs well, but it showing it's age, as am I. The biggest issue is the plastic locking levers on the legs have all broken. I cleaned the remnants of them up and epoxied on some wood replacements. This works fine, but looks a little funky, which doesn't bother me much, as long as it doesn't fail me when on an outing. I use this tripod right now, mostly for the gimbal head with a 200-500 Nikon and Z5. It seems stable enough, although the "experts" say it is not stable enough for lenses beyond 400mm. I can afford to spend a couple hundred on a tripod, but don't really want to get into the real high dollar range.

I'm not really lusting after a new tripod, but wonder if something a little more up to date would serve me better. I know, tripods are not the most high tech device that sees rapid improvement from year to year. Just wondering.


Senior Member
Yes, I can get repair parts. They are either used, or NOS, and the critical component is plastic. It would cost over$100 to replace all 6 levers. Not worth it. The repairs I made are working just fine, and I don't anticipate a sudden failure, I can lock or unlock the segment with an 8mm socket wrench, which I always have in my car.


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Challenge Team
Yes, I can get repair parts. They are either used, or NOS, and the critical component is plastic. It would cost over$100 to replace all 6 levers. Not worth it.
This is often the case with many things. 3D printing might be an option for some people.


Staff member
Super Mod
I have that tripod along with a Bogen head. The combo weighs around 10 pounds so it's pretty heavy. The tripod alone without a head is around 5 pounds.

Benro makes some nice tripods. I have the Benro TMA28A which has twist locks (my preference) although it isn't as tall as the Bogen. It looks like Benro makes a TMA37AL which weighs roughly 5 pounds, goes to a height of 70" without a head, and has a weight limit of 35 pounds. It's price point is $199.95. Just a suggestion to consider.

A while back, Fstoppers did a tripod comparison and came up with a Benro carbon fiber. Although it's price is beyond your range, just take a look at the quality Benro offers. Oh ... and looking into this further, the aluminum equivalent of this carbon fiber tripod appears to be the one I listed above (the Benro TMA37AL).



Senior Member
Yes, I looked at the Benro online as a possibility if I decide to upgrade. I agree that I like twist locks better. The levers are prone to damage, although at my age I don't need to look much past 15 years of use. I also prefer 3 section. They are longer, but are quicker to deploy vs 4 section. I would assume with around double the weight capacity, it should be steadier. There is little weight or size difference between it and the one I have.

Just not sure it would be enough of an upgrade to justify spending the money, but it would be nice to have a new tripod, and not sure if the rest of the leg locking mechanism will stand the test of more time. This tripod is over 30 years old and plastic parts don't last forever. The locking levers are the single cam, which aren't available new anymore. Those are the only plastic parts on the tripod.

Of course, at this point it doesn't owe me anything.


Senior Member
Look for Used?????
Not sure I could find the tripod I want used. I checked out KEH and B&H, and nothing popped up that looked likely. There were a couple that I could have lived with, but not what I really wanted. Local pawn shops likely to only have Wally World specials that are beat up and priced near new retail.


Senior Member
How much do you use your tripod? If it gets frequent use then a new tripod might greatly improve your enjoyment and productivity.


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Super Mod
If you don't need the height, the Benro tripod that @Dawg Pics has been considering might be viable.

Or the version with the 3-section legs ....

Both are a little less expensive. If you lived closer to me, I'd give you the option to purchase my Bogen which is the chrome version of the 3021. Still in great shape. I prefer the twist locks. Only kept it if I ever decide to shoot in a studio setting. Otherwise, I prefer my other tripods if I'm on the go.


Senior Member
Well, until recently, it was occasional use. Since I got the long tele and a gimbal head, I use it a lot. I think I may have talked myself into one. I really like the looks of that Benro.

I think the biggest problem is that I hate to replace something that is still working, unless it is a substantial upgrade. Still, it isn't a high dollar item, and I certainly have the money to throw at it. I guess I'm still somewhat stuck in the mindset of leaner years.

I think I would prefer the aluminum version of this tripod vs the carbon fiber regardless of price. The lesser weight would be nice, but I don't care for the 4 section legs, the fact that it is almost half the price is a bonus. We're only talking a 1 lb difference. I wonder about the difference in weight capacity between my old 3021 and the Benro. I believe the 3021 is only rated at 13.2 lbs, whereas the Benro is rated at 35.3, despite the tripod weighing a few ounces less. Theoretically, the Benro should be steadier. Not sure how much difference that will make given that I will be using a gimbal mount. At least it will have that new tripod smell.

Hey, I've got a birthday coming up. sounds like time for a few subtle hints.

Hark, just saw your post. I looked at the one you mentioned. It has a lower weight capacity, so I think the TMA37AL would be a safer bet for stability. Besides that I tend to prefer the twist locks for the long haul.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Yup, I am in the same boat. I have 2 old aluminum tripods. My Manfrotto/Benro has a busted knob and the other more substantial tripod has a piece that is stuck. Can't get it loose to save my life, and neither is worth the effort to mess with it at this point.

I think, if you put a few bucks into a decent tripod, rather than futzin' around with an old Manfrotto/Benro, you won't regret it.
I am being a bit stingy, but I might end up getting one that is a bit sturdier than that 27A. Still thinking about it. I'd rather the flip locks over the twist legs.

BF Hammer

Senior Member
Yes, if your tripod is that beat-up, I say it's time to buy a new one. What you buy, I cannot advise on. Tripods come in so many designs and flavors that it really comes down to what you personally think is the best configuration.

Me personally, I have bought carbon fiber tripods the last 3 times. Went from 3 segment legs with flip-locks to 4 segment twist-locks. Those flip locks really have a way to catch on things as you carry them. And I had a flip-lock break apart from getting knocked around in my car driving to a location. Sunpak fixed that under warranty, but it got me shopping for an upgrade to twist locks. Currently I use a lightweight Three-Legged Thing Billie model for easy carry, and then the new Chinese heavy-weight tripod from last year for any use that demands a sturdy base. Even though it's carbon fiber, it's still about 3x the weight and maybe twice the size all packed down as the Three-Legged Thing.



Staff member
Super Mod
OK, ya'll talked me into it. Benro TMA37AL ordered.

I appreciate all the comments.
I really like the looks of that one - especially its height! Please be sure to post your thoughts about it after you've had time to work with it.


Senior Member
I will write up a review after I get it. It's supposed to come in middle of the week. I won't wait for my birthday. I know, no self control. The Pup and I are planning on the twice delayed trip to the Birds of Prey center later in the week. If it comes on time I will get a chance to try it out on some birds in flight and some static birds. If that falls through I have two or three other places I want to go and take some bird pictures.


Staff member
Super Mod
This just showed up in my Facebook news feed today. A Benro self-leveling tripod that hasn't yet hit the market. Do you want a BIG step up from your Bogen Manfrotto? :)
