Post Your D7200 Photos


Senior Member
Just going through old shots, now when i bought the D500 i was very tempted to go back to the D7200,the D500 has a deeper buffer and better AF but as i didnt need a deeper buffer ii feel the main advantage is the AF.

Some D7200 shots





Senior Member
I shot these yesterday downtown Kingston along the lake shore. Haven't been able to photograph this species a couple of years. Saw the pair perched a ways away and waited them out for about an hour and it paid off.

** Adjusted lighting on these.





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Senior Member
Excellent pics @Zeppelin33... I am newbie on photography and trying to learn from everywhere with my D5600.

Jut for curiosity. How do you change the Shutter Speed on the fly?
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Staff member
Super Mod
Excellent pics @Zeppelin33... I am newbie on photography and trying to learn from everywhere with my D5600.

Jut for curiosity. How do you change the Shutter Speed on the fly?

Just a guess on my part, but his aperture and ISO are constant. So he might be in Aperture Priority mode without Auto ISO enabled.


Senior Member
That's why i was curious as aperture and ISO are constant. If he is changing the Shutter Speed manually the sequence of the pics are great.


Senior Member
That's why i was curious as aperture and ISO are constant. If he is changing the Shutter Speed manually the sequence of the pics are great.

Thanks!! Hark is exactly right. I keep in on Aperture Priority but usually do have it on Auto-ISO as well. I love a really high shutter speed even though I lose a little light.

Those shots were really early in the morning as the sun was rising. She was quite active and gave me some really cool shots that morning

These were from an hour earlier just as I got there - obviously with a little editing :)




Staff member
Super Mod
Thanks!! Hark is exactly right. I keep in on Aperture Priority but usually do have it on Auto-ISO as well. I love a really high shutter speed even though I lose a little light.

Those shots were really early in the morning as the sun was rising. She was quite active and gave me some really cool shots that morning

These were from an hour earlier just as I got there - obviously with a little editing :)

View attachment 306130

All of those are great - and I especially like how you put them together!

My U1 is set up for Aperture Priority with Auto ISO and AF-C. However, I find myself using U2 exclusively for birding which is set up with Manual Mode, Auto ISO, and AF-C. That way I can change the shutter speed on the fly. Guess I'm a control freak. :beguiled: Since the +/- exposure compensation button works in Auto ISO, for me it's the fastest way to control everything.

Admittedly though, I haven't used U1 (Aperture Priority with Auto ISO) enough to get a good feel for it. All of my bodies are set up with U1 and U2 this way. On my D750, I hardly ever use U1 or U2 since most of my pics are landscape or non-moving subjects. So it's simply Aperture Priority where I set my own ISO and use AF-S. But I like the ability to dial in U2 for those moments when something suddenly shows up.

I haven't yet photographed an owl. The other day while at the park, I ran into a southern New Jersey photographer who sometimes has his images published in NJ Audubon magazine. He asked if I've ever seen a Great Horned Owl at the park. ::what:: No, I haven't. Prior to him catching up to where I stood, I noticed him shooting into the brush. When he told me about the owl, he mentioned (and motioned to where he had been shooting) that there was a run-down nest that a GH Owl previously used. I'm hoping to get out today to see if I can find the nest. He didn't think it was being used now since it is so run down.

Have never heard of any Snowy Owls around here although I might have seen one a couple years ago. After shooting a number of exterior shots of my church, I walked around to the main entrance on the other side. Unfortunately I left my camera in my car. When I got near the doors, suddenly I noticed a very light colored, almost albino-looking, HUGE bird resting on the cross. I only ever saw it from behind so couldn't see its face. It took off headed in the opposite direction with an enormous wing span--much larger than any hawk I've ever seen. Might have been some type of owl.

Kudos on your images. :)