Post Your D7200 Photos


Senior Member
Hi Cindy

I took a lot of pictures of whales last summer and really liked freezing every drop of water and I've just left it there. I know 8000 is overkill but it works for me so I just leave it alone


Staff member
Super Mod
Hi Cindy

I took a lot of pictures of whales last summer and really liked freezing every drop of water and I've just left it there. I know 8000 is overkill but it works for me so I just leave it alone

That's reason enough. I just wondered if you ran into a problem with some of your other photos at 1/1000". :)


Senior Member
That's reason enough. I just wondered if you ran into a problem with some of your other photos at 1/1000". :)

I see what you mean. I actually shoot on Aperture Priority so the shutter speed is auto. Why it autos up to 8000, not quite sure but I'm not complaining (maybe because of a setting I have in Shutter Priority?)

Those 1/1000 owl shots were in very low light, early AM and AP must have adjusted for it. They definitely could have been crisper but I'm happy they came out as good as they did - kinda lucky at 1/1000 me thinks.

I usually shoot in enough light for 8000


Senior Member
As organist/pianist at our church (Wesley United Methodist Church, Morgantown WV), I have days where I have several hours between rehearsals and meetings. Last week, I had a long break so I took my camera in and climbed up into the bell tower to photograph the 14 bells of the carillon bells.

Brief description: 14 Bells, One and a half octave, C thru G Added semitones (all original) are sharp 4th (F#) & flat 7th (Bb) in 1st octave. Expansion by Meeks, Watson & Co. included tuning of existing bells, new bellframe, and baton keyboard; provision for further expansion. Also an 1847 Meneely (West Troy) swinging bell. Bought and installed in 2003 as a memorial to Mary Jane English, wife of Dr Clyde English, who was the organist at the time and also the Professor of Organ at West Virginia University for over 30 years.


This is the keyboard. The cables you see run up appx 40-50 feet up into the bell tower. Each bell has its own cable tied to its respective note on the keyboard.

Climbing up the steps to the bottom of the ladder that leads to the first (lowest) level of the bell tower.

As you enter the bell tower, this stone reminds you of years past. This was apparently one of the minister's young sons at the time.

After reaching the lowest level in the bell tower, the next step is to climb an old wooden ladder (about 30 feet high) that leans precariously against an upper railing.
Meanwhile, the view out of the screened louvers to my left is traffic 50 feet below. This photo was taken with one hand on the camera and one on the ladder as it gently sways. LOL
The shiny rings inside the bells are from when they were tuned by trimming off material to raise the pitch.

Closer view of a couple of the larger bells. The largest bell is appx 3 feet in diameter and weighs appx 1,000 pounds. I bet that was fun to get those raised and installed!

Another view of some bells.

MtFestBikesWUMC (1)sm.jpg
Being old and senile, I forgot to take a new photo of the bell tower from outside, but here is an earlier one from my cell phone just for reference.

FWIW - No flash used. Not the most crystal clear photos because of one-handed shooting while balancing on an old ladder in a dark tower. Excuses, Excuses, LOL.


Senior Member
Greetings. I posted these over on the "Feedback" thread but no action yet. Thought I would also share them here.

My wife and I visited the Gettysburg Battlefield this week and I took the following photos of the 72nd PA Infantry monument at sunset. Link to more info:

It was interesting to see other photographers leave the moment the sun dipped below the horizon. "Too dark" they said. I found that the colors were changing every few minutes and lasted almost 20 minutes.

I'm not sure which is my favorite. I submit the following.

(BTW - using the kit Nikon 18x140 lens - handheld)

(Click for Full-Size)

This is a reference photo of the statue taken before sunset.

I took this one about 5 minutes after sunset.

I took this photo about 15+ minutes after sunset. I backed off the zoom to get the shafts of light in the sky.

The sky was changing every minute. The early deserters missed the best part.



Senior Member
This turkey was standing out in our back yard for several minutes yesterday afternoon when a young buck walked by. The two appeared to have a friendly discussion for a minute or two before the deer walked on. BTW - we live in a university town and just happen to have about 5 acres of woods behind our house. Location, location, location.


Hi. Whatcha' doin'?

See ya' later.


Senior Member
Been out getting used to my D7200 this past weekend, try its capabilities out.






I do like the camera thus far, nice to use and comfortable. Next step is to use more of the features and experiment :)


Senior Member
Been out getting used to my D7200 this past weekend, try its capabilities out.

I do like the camera thus far, nice to use and comfortable. Next step is to use more of the features and experiment :)

The D7200 is one great camera and you have made a good start. keep experimenting with its capabilities and you will really come to love, rather than just like the camera.


Senior Member
The D7200 is one great camera and you have made a good start. keep experimenting with its capabilities and you will really come to love, rather than just like the camera.

Thanks Bikerbrent! I loved the D3400 as it was so easy to use and get good images straight away, so Im sure it will not be long before this one falls into the same category. I know I need to come out of my comfort zone, which is why I went for the D7200 :)


Senior Member
Just got back from Rhodes & have been getting to grips with the '7200. Loving the camera but have found a couple of issues, non camera related.
First one, I need to wear my reading glasses to sharpen the focus up a touch and secondly, I need to master night photo's with this camera.

Anyway, here are a few shots I took when it was convenient!








Senior Member
Just got back from Rhodes & have been getting to grips with the '7200. Loving the camera but have found a couple of issues, non camera related.
First one, I need to wear my reading glasses to sharpen the focus up a touch and secondly, I need to master night photo's with this camera.

Anyway, here are a few shots I took when it was convenient!

I would guess the focus issues you are having is with the AF-P 10-20mm lens. If so, you need to realize that the D7200 is NOT fully compatible with the AF-P lenses. Since Nikon has not yet lived up to their promise to update the D7200 firmware for the AF-P lens, then I refuse to purchase these lenses.


Senior Member
I would guess the focus issues you are having is with the AF-P 10-20mm lens. If so, you need to realize that the D7200 is NOT fully compatible with the AF-P lenses. Since Nikon has not yet lived up to their promise to update the D7200 firmware for the AF-P lens, then I refuse to purchase these lenses.

I was using the 18 - 105mm lens, ive not popped the AF-P 10 - 20mm on as yet! I should wear glasses for reading / close up which probably doesnt help especially as I prefer the viewfinder rather than the screen to set the shot up.


Senior Member
I was using the 18 - 105mm lens, ive not popped the AF-P 10 - 20mm on as yet! I should wear glasses for reading / close up which probably doesnt help especially as I prefer the viewfinder rather than the screen to set the shot up.

Have you tried adjusting the Diopter Adjustment control (page 25 of your user manual)?


Senior Member
I need to use reading glasses to read anything close up. However I was able to use the Diopter Adjustment to see everything fine in the viewfinder, but still need the glasses to read the top or rear display (sure wish they a Diopter Adjustment) ;)