Stoshowicz weekly 52


Senior Member
Good Luck! Walleye are fixin to turn on here.
I dont think we have those , hmm maybe in the ST John's ,, dunno ,, its just I was seing other folks on the beach and on piers etc, it's really been a long time since I took out my surf fishing gear. The photography really did overwhelm that hobby.


Senior Member
Week 9 , decided to go to Paynes prairie State park , the Bison and wild spanish horses are in a section of fenced marsh/prairie which you can view from a tower, or you can go in there and walk the trails .
This means that if these animals wanted to pound you into a paste , they could. Theyre acclimated to people , but arent tame,, and you can only get as close as the animals will let you. I think this is terriffic.
I did get rather close to the bison, maybe 80 feet ,, since I couldnt see them in the high grass, and wouldve walked completely past if I hadnt heard them.

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This one was eye-balling me , but didnt do anything

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Senior Member
The park is really excellent for birds, but it is hard to get good shots ,, theres lots of underbrush and twigs ,, and wide expanses.. I think its a beautiful park and plan to go back and do some of the other trails. This I believe is a new one for me , a Lincolns sparrow ,, If Im wrong about that , please tell me.

View attachment 200635


Staff member
Super Mod
Had to look that park up. That's way up there. How long did it take you to get there from...?


Senior Member
Had to look that park up. That's way up there. How long did it take you to get there from...?
For me in Orlando its a straight shot turnpike to I75 , 105mi to Micanopy hour 45 min ,but the park itself is very close to the off-ramp maybe a mile.
They open at eight, and didnt get busy till about noon or so. I was surprised at just how many people there were, joggers and bikes.
Most of the trails are woods actually, not what I expected. I expected flat nothingness. :)


Senior Member
Below Ive put my flickr link , so you can see other pix , Stoshowicz is just a screen name.
I know some of the pix could use some tweaks and adjustments, I just am not that worried about scrutiny that I'm going to go back and fix them all,( now that I got the lightroom 6 as an upgrade from elements 9 , and am getting used to its advantages.)

I just realized someone may not believe about the Bison and wild horses , I didnt think to take a pic of the trail with the footprints in the mud where my foot was,, but I did take a shot with my phone at 4mm focal length to show the distance and no fence , I could post it if you want. (The Stallion could in fact, have kicked me , but they arent stupid irrational creatures screwed up by captivity. You can tell they are intelligent and do know whats going on. And I didnt see any big bulls amped up on testosterone.)
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